moisson-1Moisson Montréal is Canada’s largest food bank and we are fortunate that it is situated in our beautiful city. From April 1, 2016 to March 31, 2017 Logifem received 18,143 kg of food from this non-profit organisation, representing 86,774$ and 80 % of our food budget. The other 20 % of our food expenses amounts to an average of 2000$ per month, making their contribution to our organisation and others like us an absolute must!

Moisson Montréal is a non-profit charity. They gather food donations and basic products all year around and free of charge, and distribute them to community organisations on the island of Montreal.

Moisson Montréal is a member of Food Banks Canada and Food Banks of Quebec which allows them to benefit from provincial and moisson-2national agreements with agri-food suppliers who provide donations of fruits and vegetables, cheese, bread and pasta, tea and coffee and more recently meat, chicken and fish. There are sometimes other donations, such as chocolate, that bring delight to the children and adults alike!We are very pleased to partner withthem in seeking to make life a little easier for those in difficulty.