When I took on my new role as a Special Projects Intervention Worker it created a lot of adjustment for me….a new physical milieu, as I moved to an office outside the residence and different responsibilities – essentially a new challenge.

After several months, I can say that my new role has taken on another dynamic – the supervision of the residents in the transitional apartments. I am frequently called out of the office to attend a meeting in the apartments or simply to go to answer a question of a resident that necessitates an immediate answer.

Once a month there is a potluck supper and these are privileged moments of exchange, of laughter to learn how the women are doing. They are very courageous and in spite of the huge challenges they have, they persevere and do their best to improve their lives, even when it is not easy. To have a roof over their heads in a supervised apartment with additional support represents a way to regain their dignity. They have my deepest respect.

The holidays are occasions to celebrate among family and friends, to count the blessings received over the year and to have hope for the future. It is also important to celebrate the values of helping one another, of solidarity, of love and of peace. Tables will be full, gifts will be exchanged but that can never replace the daily support, the extended hand towards someone more vulnerable, a listening ear to someone in distress or all of the little gestures and services given in anonymity that makes for a better year.

To work with women in difficulty means big challenges on a daily basis but also means a beautiful adventure that is humane and rich. I thank God for the strength to live this adventure beside my devoted colleagues.

Have a Happy Holiday Season!

Anne-Marie Kabongo
Special Projects Intervention Worker