Much has changed over the winter months…….page-1-3

In March, Logifem celebrated the 10th year anniversary of employment of Beatrice our cook, and Emerly, who is in charge of our boutique and food bank. Beatrice provides great meals that the residents look forward to day after Emerly gets to know the fashion preferences of the residents and is always looking for clothes from our boutique that will please them. Thank you both for your commitment to Logifem and of your care of the residents, whose home is Logifem.

Also in March, Pauline Richard, our Operations Supervisor celebrated her 20th year with Logifem. Soon after this celebration Pauline informed us that she would be leaving to go to a new career. She had been hinting for a while that she would be ordained as a pastor in a local church and that she had been asked to increase her time there. While Pauline has a lot of energy, two full-time jobs would not be good for her health!page-1

Our loss is their gain as Pauline has been a big part of the growth, development and essential maintenance of Logifem over these many years. A former Executive Director , Gwen Mohamed said  “Always, your sense of humour provided laughter and joy for the women and staff, endearing you to everyone”  Pauline’s deep faith, her heart for the mission, her willingness to go the extra mile, her extroverted nature and sense of responsibility are all qualities that we will miss. We wish her God’s richest blessings in her new calling.

Just before we started to plan this newsletter, another long-time staff worker informed us of her imminent departure. Emmanuelle, intervention worker, will have been at Logifem 10 years in October, but left mid-June to pursue work at an organisation that supports the many Syrian refugees that are entering our “belle province”. We know they will be in good hands because we know the love and care that Emmanuelle has given to Logifem residents over these past years.

On the back page of this issue is some information about Moisson Montréal, an organisation that provides food to community organisations such as ours and with whom we have had a long partnership.

Have a great and relaxing summer.

Ruth Bresnen, Interim Director 2016-17