Jun 12, 2015 | Logifem News, News
I have the extreme privilege to work as the Mother-Child Intervention Worker at Logifem. I work with mothers who are experiencing difficulties: financial instability, mental illness, addiction, immigration, independent living skills, conjugal violence. Logifem offers...
Jun 12, 2015 | Logifem News, News
Logifamille offers 6 beautiful apartments for mothers and their children. The women pay only 25% of their revenue as rent and this allows them the opportunity to stabilize their financial situation. The women were extremely grateful when moving into these newly...
Jun 11, 2015 | Logifem News, News
The last time we sent a newsletter we were celebrating the birth of Jesus to Mary his mother, and Joseph his father who were in very difficult circumstances – on the run from a king who wanted to kill their child. This time we would like to tell you about our mothers...
Dec 10, 2014 | Logifem News, News
I am astounded by how quickly time rolls by! We are entering the holiday season once again and 2015 is just around the corner. 2014 has be a remarkable year for Logifem, so much has happened and we are infinitely grateful for all the opportunities that have...