Volunteers help out at Logifem in a variety of ways, including:

- Preparing and serving meals for our residents
- Helping with manual tasks such as painting, cleaning, gardening and maintenance
- Collecting and sorting donations
- Animating activities for our residents
- Helping residents move and pack boxes
- Helping with administrative tasks (translation, editing, graphic design)
- Accompaniment, babysitting and tutoring
- Organizing fundraising events including promoting and hosting
Some volunteers come to Logifem on a regular basis and others come just once to help with a specific task.
If you are interested in volunteering with Logifem, please complete the form below. If you would like to organise for a group to come and volunteer at Logifem, please contact Anne by emailing anne@logifem.org. You can also reach her on 514-510-7772 extension 303.