News & Events
L’itinérance des femmes : construire une voix pour contrer l’invisibilité
Yesterday Logifem took part in the launch of the acts of the forum, "L'itinérance des femmes : construire une voix pour contrer l'invisibilité". You can read a copy of the acts by clicking here. Please note, this document is only available in French.
Thank you!
A huge thank you to our volunteers and staff who collected furniture on Saturday as well as to all those who donated. We are really pleased with what we are received and we know that these donations are going to be a huge help to those residents that are moving on to...
Logifem needs furniture!
Several of our residents will be moving into their own apartments in January. To help them set up home, we are looking for donations of used furniture in good condition. We have a team that can pick up on Saturday 28th November or you can...
2014 Statistics
Residents and their children are referred to us by different organisations such as CLSC’s, SOS Violence Conjugale, Youth Protection, hospitals, crisis centres, other shelters, the police, immigration personnel, social workers, doctors and individuals. In 2014; of 88...