The Coldest Night of the Year
The Coldest Night of the Year is a winterrific family-friendly walk in support of local charities serving people experiencing hurt, hunger, and homelessness. Join us on February 24, 2024.
From Shelter to Housing
A knowledge mobilization day presented by Project Lotus
The Forum will be a unique opportunity to bring together professionals, researchers, women with lived experience, and organizations committed to post-shelter transition for women in Montreal. We have prepared an enriching day with presentations and relevant workshops on practices and policies aimed at supporting women after their stay in shelters.
Femme pour Logifem Vol. IV
Femmes pour Logifem is back!
Femmes pour Logifem, the benefit concert highlighting female musicians while supporting the women and children of Logifem, is back with volume IV. After last year’s success, we are thrilled to be hosting the event at the Fairmount Theatre and celebrating the return of live artists and audiences as this will be Logifem’s first in-person event since the pandemic.
Femme pour Logifem Vol. III
A musical fundraiser and celebration that brings together female musicians while benefiting the women and children of Logifem.
Soirée Country Night
YEE HAW!! Ya’ll come to our Country Night fundraiser!!
An event benefiting the women and children of Logifem.
Hankerin’ to dance Country-style? Here’s your chance! A pro will be on hand to show us the steps and moves, to the sound of some of the best country music ever!