Spring – a time of renewal and growth

The last time we sent a newsletter we were celebrating the birth of Jesus to Mary his mother, and Joseph his father who were in very difficult circumstances – on the run from a king who wanted to kill their child. This time we would like to tell you about our mothers...

Warm wishes from our President

I am astounded by how quickly time rolls by!  We are entering the holiday season once again and 2015 is just around the corner.  2014 has be a remarkable year for Logifem, so much has happened and we are infinitely grateful for all the opportunities that have...

Special Projects Intervention Worker

When I took on my new role as a Special Projects Intervention Worker it created a lot of adjustment for me….a new physical milieu, as I moved to an office outside the residence and different responsibilities – essentially a new challenge. After several months, I...

A testimonial from Lynda, one of our residents

I came to Logifem Shelter  from a crisis centre. I arrived at night- confused, depressed and frightened.  A  51 year old woman who had been  in a conjugal violence situation for 13 years. My stay at Logifem has been a roller coaster ride. At first I didn’t trust...

Fundraising Supper 2014

Logifem is hosting a fundraising supper at Robin des Bois restaurant on Thursday June 12th from 6pm. The restaurant is located at 4653, boul. Saint-Laurent. Tickets are $100, with a $60 tax receipt.  They can be purchased by cheque, or online by clicking here. It is...